Find peace through your inner child.
Your stay in one of The Park Hotel's guest rooms will leave you refreshed and ready to explore the reach of your creativity. Taking a step away from the excitement of our bar and art gallery, your personal guest room will enrich your spirit with plush fabrics and relaxing pastel colors. Each room features swing-like hanging lounge chairs for guests to rest in. Iridescent window films cast rays of rainbows throughout the space, furthering a sense of whimsy and positivity. The sleeping area in each room is separated by a wall of plants to provide privacy from the lounge space. The neutral touches in the room act as grounding textures and sights to further your sense of calm. Curtain partitions along the bed and windows act as another touch of luxe privacy. All of these amenities combined work together to support a happy and calm mood in the space.
Visual Positioning Board
Materials Palette
Floor Plans
Sections and Elevations
Material Specifications

MindClick Report